Aurora Police Officers Face Policy Changes Amid Calls For Independent Investigation
AURORA, Colo. (CBS4) -The Aurora Police Department held a public meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss policing policies. This comes as city council members call for an independent investigation into the death of Elijah McClain of Aurora.
The Aurora Interim Police Chief, Vanessa Wilson, announced officers can no longer use carotid control hold, must give warnings before shooting, and officers must intervene if they witness an officer using excessive force.
Officers will also be relieved by other officers when involved in a use-of-force incident occurs. The Officer Relief clause states officers must relieve themselves when another officer intervenes at a practical point after the incident.
Officers will also be trained to not assume a person is suspicious based off a 911 call.
"The goal is to utilize member's own observations and training to overcome or eliminate any bias against the subject by the reporting party that may have generated the call," the new directive states.
Last August after a confrontation with police, McClain, 23, died. Police tackled him, put him in a chokehold and gave him ketamine, a sedative, following a report of a suspicious person in the area.
McClain was walking with a mask on and groceries in his hand.
The officers were found to not have violated APD policies. City Manager Jim Twombly says the city is now conducting an audit of body cameras.
RELATED: Elijah McClain's Mother Pleads For Concrete Change Following Protests