Level 3 Restrictions To Soon Take Effect In Adams County
ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - Adams County residents will soon go back to Level 3 Safer-at-Home restrictions due to a rising number of coronavirus cases. The restriction goes into effect on Oct. 28 at 5 p.m.
Under the new restrictions, businesses, churches and restaurants will see reduced capacity.
Adams and Logan counties are the only two counties in the state with a Level 3 designation on the state's dial dashboard.
Additional restrictions for Adams County include:
- Personal Services may operate at 25% of the posted occupancy limit, not to exceed 25 people, per room.
- Restaurants may operate at 25% of the posted occupancy limit indoors not to exceed 50 people excluding staff, whichever is less, per room.
- Houses of worship and Life Rites may operate at 25% or 50 people. For outdoor worship services, a house of worship must maintain 6 feet distance between non-household members
- Indoor events may operate at 50 percent capacity or 25 people, whichever is fewer.
- Recreation
- Gyms, recreation centers and indoor pools are not authorized to
open for in-person services; virtual services may be provided. - Outdoor recreational activities in groups of 10 people or fewer
may occur, maintaining 6 feet Distancing Requirements between
non-household contacts.
- Gyms, recreation centers and indoor pools are not authorized to
The Tri-County Health Department issued a public health order for Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas counties on Oct. 16, limiting indoor gatherings to 5 people and no more than 10 people for outdoor gatherings. The order will stay in effect until at least Nov. 1.