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Businesses Upset After 3rd Flooding Due To Water Main Break

DENVER (CBS4) - Some Denver business owners are upset after another water main break has led to flooding in their stores in the Hilltop neighborhood.

A water main burst on Wednesday morning, forcing Holly Street to close between 3rd and 6th avenues.

Once in 2008 and again in 2013 businesses near 3rd Avenue and Holly Street flooded. Denver Water says those breaks were due to bad pipes. Last year crews replaced an entire section of piping along Holly, but according to Denver Water, unfortunately it appears they didn't go far enough with the replacement. Wednesday morning's 12-inch water main break happened just outside of the section that was replaced.

The same businesses have now flooded for the third time.

"It's a huge nuisance. I'm not making money for a whole day, I'm here for free because I work on commission," Simply More Third Avenue hair salon employee Max Henke said.

Restoration crews were called in to help clean up the flooded businesses. Four residences and one business were without water.

Officials say it could take up to 12 hours before the intersection is open but water should be restored before then.

Crews will continue to dig down into where the main break happened to see if it's a leaky valve or if they need to replace part of the main.

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