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High School Student Cited In 'Rolling Coal' Incident

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) - A second person has been cited for "rolling coal" at demonstrators a March For Our Lives event in Steamboat Springs on Saturday.

"Rolling coal" happens when a driver lets out large cloud of exhaust - typically among truck drivers.

That act is illegal under Colorado law.

The exhaust covered a crowd participating in a March for Our Lives event, which was one of hundreds across the country.

Witnesses say truck blasted the marchers more than once.

Alex Graham, 20, was cited by police on Sunday after witnesses turned in a picture of the truck he was driving.

Police say they cited a second driver, Mitchell Klouw, who is an 18-year-old high school student from Clark, Colorado.

Police say they've identified a third vehicle involved, and they are working to track down that driver.

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