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2 Dead In Small Plane Crash In Adams County

ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- Two people were killed in a plane crash in Adams County after taking off from the Front Range Airport.

Both men were found dead inside the wreckage of the Cessna 150 single-engine plane at 7 a.m. One was the pilot.

The Adams County Sheriff's Office said the small plane took off from the Front Range Airport in Watkins at 12:30 a.m.

"It does not look like there was a fire. It looks like the plane made an impact and then moved about 30 to 50 yards from where the impact happened," Sgt. Aaron Pataluna with the Adams County Sheriff's Office said.

The pilot did not file a flight plan so it is unknown where the plane was heading.

The deceased's family called to report them missing around 3:45 a.m.

The Front Range Airport closes at 7 p.m. on Fridays but planes can take off and land by using an automated system.

The identities of those killed has not been released. The relationship, if any, between those killed has not been determined.

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the crash.

Dense fog was reported in the area.

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