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Wednesday's Child: 11-Year-Old Yomiah

(MARE) - Yomiah is an elementary school aged child who demonstrates strong intuition when interacting with others. Yomiah generally appears happy and loves spending time outside on the swings, going for walks, and bouncing on his trampoline. Yomiah likes to explore his surroundings. He loves sensory items and responds well to the caregivers he has involved in his life. One of Yomiah's favorite foods to eat is bananas. He loves to listen to Christmas music, country music, and songs by Mariah Carey and Taylor Swift! He is currently learning American Sign Language in school and is learning to read Braille.

Legally freed for adoption, Yomiah could be placed in a two parent family of any constellation that could meet his needs. Caregivers who are patient, nurturing, affectionate, and strong advocates would be the best match for him.

For more information you can contact MARE: 617-964-MARE (6273) or visit

Since its inception in 1981, Wednesday's Child has been a collaboration of the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE), the Department of Children & Families and WBZ-TV/CBS Boston. Hosted by Jack Williams for 34 years, this weekly series has given a face and voice to the children who wait the longest for families. Wednesday's Child has helped find homes for hundreds of waiting children and continues to raise awareness about adoption from foster care.

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