Wednesday's Child: 5-Year-Old Michael
Dan Roche took Michael to Legoland Discovery Center Boston where they laughed, played, and Michael sang the alphabet backwards!
Michael is a smart, friendly and happy boy of Caucasian descent who is always laughing. His favorite activities are playing with toy cars and listening to music. Michael loves anything that has to do with Mickey Mouse. He enjoys school and does well academically. Michael recently learned how to recite the alphabet backwards and is very proud of his accomplishment!
Michael has several medical diagnoses, although he is exceeding his doctors' expectations in terms of his development. He is currently living in a medical foster home and works with occupational, speech and physical therapists. Michael has shown the ability to form strong bonds with his caretakers and has good relationships with his foster parent and the nurses who help care for him.
Legally freed for adoption, Michael will thrive in a loving and attentive family that is prepared to care for a medically complicated child. His social worker is open to exploring families of any constellation where Michael can be the youngest or only child.
For more information you can contact MARE: 617-964-MARE (6273) or visit
Since its inception in 1981, Wednesday's Child has been a collaboration of the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE), the Department of Children & Families and WBZ-TV/CBS Boston. Hosted by Jack Williams for 34 years, this weekly series has given a face and voice to the children who wait the longest for families. Wednesday's Child has helped find homes for hundreds of waiting children and continues to raise awareness about adoption from foster care.