Wednesday's Child: 8-Year-Old Kalaysha
(MARE) - Kalaysha is a girl of African-American and Hispanic descent, who likes to sing and dance. She is kind, endearing and has a good sense of humor. Some of Kalaysha's favorite activities include playing dress up, dancing, playing board games, watching television and movies, and running around outside. She also loves to help with household chores.
Ready for adoption, Kalaysha has expressed that she would like to be a part of a family with a mother and a father. Kalaysha is a loving girl who needs stability in her life and will thrive once the right family is identified for her. Her social worker also feels that she will do well in a home with a single mother or two mothers. An ideal home for Kalaysha will be one where she can be the only or youngest child.
For more information you can contact MARE: 617-964-MARE (6273) or visit
Since its inception in 1981, Wednesday's Child has been a collaboration of the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE), the Department of Children & Families and WBZ-TV/CBS Boston. Hosted by Jack Williams for 34 years, this weekly series has given a face and voice to the children who wait the longest for families. Wednesday's Child has helped find homes for hundreds of waiting children and continues to raise awareness about adoption from foster care.