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Uta Pippig Finishes Boston Marathon 2 Days After Deciding To Run

BOSTON (CBS) - Imagine being in such great shape that could you decide to run a marathon just two days before the race.

That's what 3-time champion Uta Pippig did Monday as she finished her eighth Boston Marathon.

Pippig, who won Boston three consecutive times (1994, 1995, 1996), covered the 26.2 mile course in an impressive 3:38:40, after deciding Saturday that she would run.

"There was this wonderful Pioneers evening and we honored Bobbi Gibb and Joanie (Joan Benoit Samuelson) and I love those ladies so much, I said 'O.k. I run for those Boston pioneers and I run for Boston and the people," she told WBZ-TV. "It was fun!"

Pippig ran for Team Hoyt.  In fact, after she finished, she went back out on the course to run with some of her teammates.

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