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Two Women Who Called In Burglary Are Charged, Original Suspect Escapes

NASHUA, NH (CBS) - Two women who called police to tell them about a man burglarizing a store, are now facing charges as well.

Police in Nashua, New Hampshire say they received a call from a 36-year-old Meretta Sperow about a man who used his skateboard to smash out a window at the ARZ Market on Lake Street.

Sperow told police she was driving by the store and witnessed the man stealing a large amount of cigarettes.

Burglary Suspect
This man is wanted for burglarizing a Nashua, NH convenience store.

Police do not believe that Sperow knew that man.

However, investigators say that while Sperow was on the phone with police, she and 25-year-old Amanda Primeau, who was in the car with her, got out of their car, walked into the store, and stole cigarettes and lottery tickets.

The two are now facing burglary charges.

Detectives are still trying to find the man who initially broke in.

He is described as either white or Hispanic, possibly in his late teens or twenties, and was wearing a light grey hooded sweatshirt with some type of writing or design on the front, and dark pants.

Nashua police are asking anyone who recognizes him to contact them.

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