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Toucher & Rich: Adolfo Spent Vacation "Reading" Books

Adolfo was very late for work on Monday and Toucher & Rich believe it's because he's out partying a lot in his free time. Speaking of free time, Adolfo was on vacation recently and the guys had some questions.

Fred asked him what he did on vacation and Adolfo informed him he read books. When Fred inquired how many books he read Adolfo said that he likes to read a few pages of books and then move on to another.

This led the guys to wonder when was the last time Adolfo finished a book. What's the most number of pages of a book he's read this year? How many partial books has he read in the last eight years?

Can Adolfo explain what any of the books he's picked up are about?

Toucher & Rich: Adolfo Spent Vacation Reading Books

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