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'Cars Will Have To Slow Down For Him': Teacher Uses Tom Brady Face On Crosswalk Signs

BOSTON (CBS) – Tom Brady... traffic cop?

Frustrated with cars speeding through a Roxbury school zone, an elementary school teacher decided to use the Patriots quarterback in an effort to keep students safe.

Sam Balto, a physical education teacher at Ellis Elementary School, has grown frustrated in recent months by drivers speeding through the 20-MPH school zone on Walnut Ave.

"Unfortunately, those signs get run over on a daily basis. Maybe if Tom Brady was on the School X-ing sign drivers might pay more attention, slow down & yield for students at crosswalks," Balto tweeted.

Several months ago, Balto shared a photo of radar gun readings. One driver was clocked at 56 MPH.

Then on Wednesday, Balto took his laminated Brady cutout and attached it to the school zone sign that sits in the middle of the road.

Balto told the Boston Globe he believes the picture paid off, with drivers slowing down to get a closer look.

But even if it didn't, the Roxbury teacher said it was still an exercise worth doing.

"Also we need a smile, everybody needs to put a smile on their face. Tom Brady is one good looking guy. If I can get my kids to smile and their parents to smile, that's a great way to start the day," Balto told the Globe.

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