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Roxbury Man Charged In Five Attacks On Women In Boston

BOSTON (CBS) - The man already charged with two rapes earlier this year has been indicted for three other attacks.

Tikee Beverly, 37, of Roxbury, is charged with 13 offenses linked to five attacks between September and February.

Suffolk prosecutors and Boston Police detectives say they linked Beverly to the earlier attacks after undertaking a review of attacks with unknown suspects.

The indictment charges Beverly with four counts each of rape and aggravated rape, two counts of robbery and kidnapping and one count of assault with a dangerous weapon.

In February, Beverly was arraigned on three counts of rape and held on $60,000 cash bail.

Police say he attacked one woman on a Saturday morning and then a second woman on a Sunday morning.

In each incident, police say Beverly lured the women into an abandoned building on Washington Street and then raped them.

Beverly is expected to be arraigned on the latest charges on April 2.

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