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Police: Weymouth Thief Had To Do List That Included Finding Drugs, Doing Good Deed

WEYMOUTH (CBS) – Investigators say a man arrested for breaking into a Weymouth home had an interesting to do list for that day.

Weymouth Police say they caught 25-year-old Evan Dorsey breaking into a home on Manomet Road and stealing from a UPS package. When they searched him, they found a notebook that contained "goals for Friday 3/24/13" (Friday was actually 3/22).

The list of his goals included finding crystal meth, getting a gold watch, doing a B&E or robbing a dealer, selling drugs, getting coke, and doing one altruistic act for a stranger.

At the time of his arrest, Dorsey had a blackjack, diabetic supplies that were allegedly taken from the UPS box and two dozen assorted pieces of jewelry. He had no explanation of where the jewelry came from.

Police suspect Dorsey also broke into other homes. Two people called police to report that Dorsey had been going door- to-door saying he was conducting a survey about the opening of a marijuana dispensary.

He was held on $5,000 bail and was due to be arraigned Monday.

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