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Laura Wood honored with Pinnacle Award for leadership at Boston Children's Hospital

Pinnacle Award honoree Laura Wood on success, inspiration
Pinnacle Award honoree Laura Wood on success, inspiration 01:51

BOSTON - Laura Wood has seen a lot in more than four decades in nursing. As Executive Vice President of Patient Care Operations and System Chief Nurse Executive at Boston Children's Hospital, she works with staff, patients, and patient families who continually serve as a source of inspiration.  

Wood says, even when those families seem to be facing insurmountable obstacles, their strength motivates everyone around them. "They understand how precious life is and they're so appreciative of the teams supporting them," Wood said.  

Wood calls it a privilege to experience such meaningful work. She is one of nine women receiving the 2025 Pinnacle Award (Achievement in the Professions) from the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. For 31 years, the awards have recognized outstanding women leaders.

Navigating challenges

A key aspect of leadership is navigating challenges which Wood views as opportunities. "Nothing's impossible," she says.

During the COVID pandemic, she recalls witnessing the power of groups working together and what cooperation, at scale, looks like. The sharing of ideas, problem solving, protecting one another, and innovating produced solutions that Wood says made her team stronger and had a positive impact on health care workers all over the world.

Orchestrating how teams work together is among the most gratifying aspects of her job. "Health care is complex, and it takes the combination of individual commitment and coordinated commitment to have safe, high-quality care," she said.

Among the best advice she has received is the reminder to believe in yourself and the people who will help you succeed. "Leap and the net will appear," she said. 

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