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New England's first Black-owned plant shop helping customers develop green thumb

New England's first Black-owned plant shop helping customers develop green thumb
New England's first Black-owned plant shop helping customers develop green thumb 02:10

NORWOOD – Quontay Turner is helping people develop their green thumbs.

Turner owns Emerald City Plant Shop in Norwood, which has become a safe space for people to come in and talk about their plants.

"Typically when you are out shopping, a plant will find you whether you are at the grocery store or a big box store and there is no one around to really tell you what that plant needs and what environment it likes," Turner said.

Emerald City Plant Shop became the first Black-owned plant shop in New England when it opened. Making sure your plants survive is Turner's job.

"Oftentimes people will come with all their plant questions because they were just caught by the beauty of something but have no idea how to care for it. So we teach them how to care for their plants, which plants would be good for your lifestyle because not everyone wants high maintenance plants," Turner said.

Quontay doesn't just have a green thumb and help with plant consultation. She also does house calls.

"Surprisingly enough, now that the world is back open, people are traveling and they are worried about all the plants they have collected over quarantine," Turner said. "So we now do house calls and we do plant sitting. Anything that relates to plants and tropical plants."

If you're wondering what the biggest plant no-no is, Turner has some advice.

"Number one mistake is overwatering because a lot of people think plants get watered everyday outside. That's outside and not necessarily inside. So I always tell people it's better to under water your plants," Turner said.

This Norwood shop does what it's supposed to do - bring life and fresh air to any room.

"Plants just make people happy. So it's nice to be in business to make people happy, especially in today's climate," Turner said.

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