Mobile COVID-19 Vaccine Program Launches In Mass.
QUINCY (CBS) - For seniors at the Granite Place senior housing complex in Quincy the coronavirus vaccine came to them. It's the first day of a collaboration between firefighters, EMTs and Mascon, a medical supply company to vaccinate a vulnerable population that can't travel to vaccination sites.
"Many have difficulty online booking an appointment. We're bringing vaccine to your door, stay in your zip code, stay in your area," said Mascon President John Chen.
Through Brewster Ambulance 2,000 doses were obtained from the state to get the pilot program up and running. The collaboration helps the logistical challenge of carrying out the mobile program, which hopes to bring vaccines to many more sites depending on availability.
"It's complicated," said Chris Dibona of Brewster Ambulance. "It's a triangle of needs from manpower to vaccine and monitoring help."
To make sure the elderly are vaccinated some were transported by bus. At a senior housing complex in Chelsea it was door to door service for some seniors who couldn't leave their rooms due to medical conditions.
"I've been really, really nervous," said Margaret Sandman getting her first dose of vaccine. "Many people my age are dying from it; I just want to get it over with."
The next step is proving to the state this works, so the mobile program can obtain its own doses.
"I can't control the inflow of vaccines, but I can control the outflow and how to get it into people's arms quickly and efficiently," said Chen.
Visit Mass.Gov/CovidVaccine to find out when you're eligible and to book an appointment.