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Michelle Carter Told Police: 'I Should Have Done Something Sooner'

TAUNTON (CBS) -- Prosecutors rested their case in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Michelle Carter on Thursday.

They released another string of text messages between Carter and her boyfriend Conrad Roy discussing suicide before his death and Carter's apparent growing frustration.

michelle carter teen texting suicide trial
Michelle Carter in court Thursday. (WBZ-TV)

Trooper Michael Bates extracted the texts from their phones. "You're going to have to prove me wrong," Carter texted Roy. "I think you don't want this. You keep pushing it off to another night and say you'll do this but you never do."

conrad roy suicide video michelle carter trial
A still from a video made by Conrad Roy which was shown in court Thursday. (WBZ-TV)

Roy died on the night of July 12, 2014 filling up his truck with carbon monoxide. When police found his cell phone it led them to Carter.

In a police interview just released she says she could have done more to help him. "I was trying to get help for him sooner," she said. "I wanted him to go with me. I should have done something sooner."

michelle carter teen texting suicide trial
Massachusetts State Police Trooper Brock Morrissette testifies in the Michelle Carter trial Thursday. (WBZ-TV)

Also released by prosecutors a selfie video of Roy appearing to be in a downward spiral. "I've created a monster the last few years because of depression and racing suicidal thoughts," Roy said.

The defense says he was already on a path to suicide and prosecutors are picking and choosing their texts. "I'm trying to do the best to dig you out, you're not aware of that are you," defense attorney Joe Catalado asked Trooper Bates. "You're not aware he said 'I don't want to be dug out.'"

But prosecutors say Carter was on the phone with Roy as he lost consciousness and there was time to help with testimony from state medical examiner Dr. Faryl Sandler. "By approximately 20 minutes there would be no more breaths."

The defense will submit a motion Friday to have the case dismissed. If the judge rejects it they will begin calling witnesses. Cataldo won't say if Michelle Carter will be one of them.

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