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Massachusetts residents enjoy snowy activities on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Massachusetts residents enjoy sledding, snowshoeing on MLK Day
Massachusetts residents enjoy sledding, snowshoeing on MLK Day 01:49

WELLESLEY - Children across Massachusetts were thrilled to go sledding when they woke up on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to a coating of snow.

Snow brings sledding fun for kids

"I have vivid memories of doing this with my parents, and it's almost even more fun being a dad," says Wellesley resident Ben Bullitt, who took his two sons sledding at Warren Park. "These kids are so excited."

Ben says that you don't need fancy equipment, just a hill and some snow. The Bullitt family bought their sled from CVS for $9.

"You go fast!" says Ben's son Nash.

It's a great outdoorsy way for families to spend the day off from school.

"You can lie on the couch and watch movies all day. You don't have to work and do math," says Zara, who was teaching her little brother Otis how to sled.

"He was so brave," says Zara.

Skiing and snowshoeing 

Kids are not the only ones enjoying the snowy weather, though. Adults took to the slopes or the fields to ski and snowshoe on Monday.

"It's just walking with giant shoes. You go out and sled, make angels in the snow. Which I did, Gretchen still has to do one," says Tom Schneider about his wife Gretchen. They spent their day off at the Weston Ski Track.

The snowy weather reminds the New England residents of the magic of being a kid.

"I could never live in a place that didn't have snow," says Gretchen.

 "It reminds me of being little," says Tom.

Outdoor enthusiasts take advantage of fresh snow in Massachusetts 01:56

In Canton, regulars rattled off what's to like about Blue Hills.

"There's no other place I can go that's ten minutes down the street from my house and I mean $50 for a day pass, you can't beat that," one skier said.

There were riders and skiers of all skill levels. "Definitely exhilarating," another skier said. "Your heart rate goes up and you get a little scared. You've got to try to remember that as long as you fall before you hit into someone, you'll be alright." 

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