Man Who Got Locked Inside Saugus Gym Now Banned For Life
SAUGUS (CBS) -Some workout enthusiasts would love to have the gym all to themselves, but one Everett man wished it didn't happen to him.
Kevin Almeida found himself locked inside LA Fitness Sunday night. He claims he was in the jacuzzi and thought the place closed at 11 p.m., when it actually closed at 8. He said when the lights went out while he was in the tub, he climbed out and realized the entire fitness center was dark and the doors were chained from the outside.
Instead o calling for help, Almeida took to Snapchat to ask to be rescued.
"There's a f***ing chain on the thing, can someone call 911 please?" he's heard yelling on the video.
He told WBZ he didn't want to call the police and "create a fuss."
At 9:30, he went out an emergency exit, setting off an alarm. Saugus police said he did call them around that same time.
Kevin told WBZ LA Fitness has now banned him for life and refuses to refund his last month's dues. LA Fitness did not return calls to WBZ.
Fellow gym members seemed to stand more on Almeida's side of the dispute.
"They need to make sure they do a full facility sweep before they lock up. Make sure all the members all the members are gone and make sure there's no one in the locker rooms," one man told WBZ.
Another member said he didn't think the lifetime ban was fair: "How else was he supposed to get out? And if someone is in the sauna, shouldn't someone be checking all the facilities and the showers and make sure there's nobody left behind?" he said. "I don't think the punishment fits the crime at all.
Saugus police said there would be no further investigation into the incident.