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Geoff Diehl, Chris Doughty make case ahead of Republican primary in Governor's race

Keller @ Large: Republican candidate for governor Chris Doughty
Keller @ Large: Republican candidate for governor Chris Doughty 05:04

BOSTON – With the Massachusetts gubernatorial primary rapidly approaching, WBZ-TV political analyst Jon Keller sat down with both Republican candidates on the ballot.

Geoff Diehl and Chris Doughty will face off in the Republican primary on September 6 to determine who will be on the ballot against Democrat Maura Healey in November's general election.

Doughty said he believes Diehl's previously unsuccessful election results, such as a lopsided loss to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, prove that he is unelectable.

"He's too extreme for our state. He pursues conspiracy theories, he has these beliefs that are just not consistent with th3e state of Massachusetts. It makes him not electable," Doughty said.

Diehl meanwhile said he is the best candidate because of his eight years serving in legislature.

"Let's see what happens on September 6. So far he has an 0-1 record at the convention. I think I beat him 71-29, so that claim of course is going to come from any challenger," Diehl said when told Doughty called him unelectable.

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Diehl in the election. Doughty said he believes it is time for a fresh face from the Republican party instead of Trump in the next presidential election.

Keller @ Large: Part 2

Keller @ Large: Republican candidate for governor Geoff Diehl 06:02
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