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Daily Talker: St. Patrick's Day Parade Route Change

There will be a change to this year's St. Patrick's Day Parade in South Boston. The city of Boston has decided to shorten the parade route. The parade will follow the same route that was used last year when we were dealing with record snowfall. But there's no record snow this year. So, why the change? Mayor Marty Walsh released a statement saying, "After consulting with Commissioner Evans, I have decided that it is in the best interest of public safety, while balancing the historic tradition of the St. Patrick's Day Parade, to use the same route that we did last year for this year's parade." Commissioner William Evans told the Globe, last year's abbreviated route was easier for officers to patrol and for emergency vehicles to navigate. He also credited the shorter route for cutting down on the number of problems with public drinking and disorderly conduct. And he claims a shorter route will cut down on police overtime costs too. The Allied War Veterans Council of South Boston, which organizes the 115-year-old event, doesn't like this year's plan. A parade organizer told the Globe, this will cut the route in half and cut out several landmarks. The group is reportedly planning a news conference for later today. What do you think of the city's plan to shorten the St. Patrick's Day Parade route?

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