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Curious Why NBA Players Wear Sleeves On 1 Arm Only

Curious Why NBA Players Wear Sleeves On 1 Arm OnlyGetty Images

What's up with NBA players wearing sleeves on one arm only?

The trend has some WBZ viewers Curious.

"What purpose does it serve for NBA players to wear a sleeve on one arm only?" Sharyn from Danvers asked.

WBZ's Dan Roche says there a few reasons for the seemingly unnecessary sleeve.


Some of the players sport the one-armed sleeve on the shooting arm to keep it warm, much like a baseball pitcher would to keep his pitching arm muscles from cooling down, Roche said.


In Ray Allen's case, he started wearing a sleeve on his left arm last year after Detroit's Rip Hamilton's long fingernails scratched up Allen's arm as he guarded him.

So, the sleeve can act as a protection during the game.


Roche says the last reason is that it has become fashionable for players to wear the sleeves. Young basketball players and kids have been spending money to buy the sleeves.

So it turns out the trend-setting sleeves are also big merchandise money-makers.

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