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Brookline teacher hopes every Wednesday is Walk and Roll Day

Brookline teacher hopes every Wednesday is Walk and Roll Day
Brookline teacher hopes every Wednesday is Walk and Roll Day 01:25

BROOKLINE - Wednesday was International Walk and Roll to School Day when kids were encouraged to get active on the way to class.

Brookline students started the day with a bike ride to school. One Brookline teacher is hoping the day inspires more students to walk, bike or skateboard to school.

Teacher Eric Colburn said he hopes to get a group together to ride to school every Wednesday.

"It's funny because in Brookline, almost everybody walks and bikes to school anyway, but there are some neighborhoods where a lot of kids drive and so we picked one of those neighborhoods and we did a group ride in," Colbun said. "It's healthier for the students, it's healthier for the world, and it's safer for everybody if there's less traffic on the roads."

There were more than 2,400 Walk and Roll events in 47 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

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