Baker Warns Of 'Significant Increase' In Coronavirus Cases Among Younger People
BOSTON (CBS) – Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker warned residents that in recent weeks, there has been a "significant increase" in the number of people under 30 years old who are testing positive for coronavirus.
"The share of positive cases between the under 30 crowd and the over 60 crowd has basically flipped," said Baker. "Today fewer older people are getting sick, while the under 30 group make up a much bigger percentage of our positive tests than they did in April."
In October, people under 30 have made up 37% of coronavirus cases, in April, they made up 15%.
Baker said the good news in that development is that the state's most vulnerable residents has seen a decrease in their share of new cases. He added that while young people with coronavirus more often than not get less sick than older residents, they still have the potential to infect others.
"There's only two players here, there's the virus and there's us. From what we know the virus hasn't changed much," said Dr. Mark Siedner from Massachusetts General Hosptial. "The major threat here to our society is if these young people then don't isolate properly, don't quarantine properly, interact with older people who are at incredibly high risk for having severe complications from this disease, hospitalizations, and deaths. If the young people carry over to the old people, that's going to lead to a series of events that we definitely want to avoid."
The governor warned that with the weather getting colder, more people are gathering in groups indoors.
"Our young people need to be serious about dealing with COVID," said Baker. "People really need to stop posting big parties and I say that as Halloween approaches."
Health officials also issued a warning that the holidays will have to look different this year. Families are asked to avoid large Thanksgiving gatherings, and if they choose to gather they should take precautions.
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