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5 planets align this week, but view could be hindered around Boston

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Next Weather: WBZ morning forecast for March 28 02:59

By Terry Eliasen, WBZ-TV Meteorologist, Executive Weather Producer

BOSTON - Perhaps you saw a headline on social media recently.

"Major Planetary Alignment This Week"  

I typically love these events. They are among the most shared and popular blogs I get to write. And, it is true, there will be five planets aligned with the moon Monday night after sunset. Sounds great!

However, there is a big BUT with this sky show. . . in fact, several BUTS. .  .

First, the details:

About 20 minutes after the sun set Monday night in the western sky, from horizon - upward some could see Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, the moon and Mars.

WBZ-TV graphic CBS Boston

But with the sky completely overcast here Monday, no one could see it. So what about Tuesday night?

Slightly better chance, but there will still be some clouds around, especially near the coast.

Your best shot this week for clear skies would be Wednesday and Thursday evening.  

Here's where we get a few more BUTS...

Mercury and Jupiter will be very close to the horizon and likely only visible with the aid of binoculars. Also, as the week goes on, Jupiter will likely become near impossible to spot.

Uranus is typically only visible to the naked eye on the clearest and darkest of nights. You will likely need binoculars again to see it.

Finally, some good news. .  . Venus will be quite prominent in the evening sky, as usual. No problems here. Mars will also be fairly easy to see above and to the left of the moon.  

Bottom line, you will likely have to wait a few nights and temper your expectations, but eventually, you should be able to see a few planets near the moon in the western sky.

And, as always, we would love to see your pictures! You can share them right on our weather page at!

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