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University Of Houston Breaks Silence On McConaughey Speech Fee

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HOUSTON (AP) - A Texas university that booked Matthew McConaughey as its May commencement speaker has broken the silence on the Texas-born actor's speaking fee.

The University of Houston said in a statement Tuesday that it was paying McConaughey speaking fees totaling $135,000 plus travel expenses, as well as a $20,250 commission to the Celebrity Talent International booking agency engaged by the university.

Meanwhile, the statement says McConaughey is donating his fees to a foundation he started to provide tools to help high school students lead active lives and make healthy choices for the future.

The university initially balked at revealing McConaughey's fee, citing a confidentiality agreement with the booking agency. However, the university says its business with the agency is finished and the confidentiality agreement is no longer binding.

(© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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