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Trump Strategy On North Korea: 'Maximum Pressure And Engagement'

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The Trump administration has settled on its North Korea strategy after a two-month review: "Maximum pressure and engagement."

U.S. officials say the president's advisers weighed a range of ideas for how to get North Korea to abandon its nuclear program, including military options and trying to overthrow the isolated communist dictatorship's leadership.

At the other end of the spectrum, they looked at the notion of accepting North Korea as a nuclear state.

In the end, however, they settled on a policy that appears to represent continuity.

The administration's emphasis, the officials say, will be on increasing pressure on Pyongyang with the help of China, North Korea's dominant trade and military partner.

The officials weren't authorized to speak publicly on the results of the policy review and requested anonymity.

(© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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