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Trump Makes Surprise Appearance At Wedding Reception

BEDMINSTER, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey couple have welcomed a surprise guest at their wedding reception: President Donald Trump.

Trump makes appearance at wedding
President Donald Trump made a surprise appearance at a wedding in New Jersey. (Credit: Laura Piatkowski via CBS Newspath)

The Republican president made a brief appearance Saturday at the reception, which was held at his golf club in Bedminster. He has been spending the weekend at the club and holding a major fundraiser there for a Republican congressman who helped revive their party's push to dismantle the U.S. health care law.

Trump posed for photos with the newlyweds and received a mostly positive response from the guests, with some yelling out, "Looking good, Donald." The crowd then chanted "USA, USA," as he left the room.

Trump has been known to stop in on weddings held at the golf club in the past.

(© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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