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Trending: First Ice Walk, Rangers Recruiter, Bryant's Big Giveaway


An adorable video of a little girl discovering the challenges of walking on ice for the first time is going viral.

The video comes from Russia -- where this bundled up toddler tries to balance herself on a patch of ice.

She almost slips -- but steadies herself.

Then when she leans over to touch it – she falls forward and hits her head on the ground.

Thank goodness for her fluffy hat!


A young Texas sports fan is doing his best to help the rangers land a star player.
Rangers fan Billy Cantrell wrote a letter trying to recruit all star and Toronto Blue Jays outfielder José Bautista to play for the rangers -- and it's so cute we had to share it.

It starts out – "You are a good player, if you could stay healthy. Maybe you just need another city to play in. You should try the Rangers. They need another big bat and you could be that man.

David Murphy got his chance to play everyday and he struggled, and i think his contract ran out. Maybe four years and 80 million dollars. At least think about it."

Bautista posted the letter on Instagram -- along with this message, "Sweet letter from a young fan from #Texas must be a future general manager in the making... #fans #love"


PlayStation 4s went on sale at midnight Friday, and some folks waited in line for hours to get one.

This is the first time PlayStation has made over it's popular gaming console in seven years, and this latest and greatest version costs anywhere between 400 and 600 bucks.

But some lucky shoppers got theirs for free courtesy of Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant.

Bryant showed up at a local Wal-Mart and bought six game systems for people waiting in line, according to a tweet posted by a man who says he received a free console.

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