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Through The Lens: Martin Luther King Day Parade

FORT WORTH - Today my story took me to the MLK day parade in Fort Worth.  I wanted to find some younger kids and see what this day means to them and how much they know about the man they are celebrating.

I found several high school students who were very knowledgeable on why we celebrate Dr. King but some were not exactly sure how to put into words what he did.  They know that their relatives were forced to the back of the bus and didn't have the same rights that they now have.  Most of the elementary age kids had heard of him but were not sure what he had done.  I decided to talk to some of the older adults in the crowd to get a real feel for why we celebrate this civil rights leader.

When you talk to those who lived the segregated life you understand just how important it is to them to celebrate a man who fought for them.  They lived the struggles that the school kids have only read about.  They know how important it is that we all be treated equally no matter the color of our skin.  To see the smiles on their faces is what today is all about.  You can see the happiness that freedom brings and why everyone should celebrate.

Mike Kinney

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