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Texas A&M AD Tells Manziel To Mind His Image

COLLEGE STATION (CBS SPORTS) -  Johnny Manziel hasn't raised quite so many eyebrows away from the football field this young offseason as he did on it during his spectacular 2012 season, of course.

But the fact that he's raised enough eyebrows to require that disclaimer explains why Texas A&M athletic director Eric Hyman told theSan Antonio Express-News Sunday he'd spoken to history's only freshman Heisman winner and his parents about his public image.

"It's [about] education, and we've got to help the family and Johnny with the transition into being a Heisman award winner," Hyman said. "There are things you have to learn, and we have to help him with that. ...

"[Heisman winners are] a special fraternity, but you also have to understand [Manziel] is 20 years old," Hyman said. "It's a tremendous responsibility -- but it is a responsibility."

Hyman's meeting with the Manziel family comes on the heels of a pair of widely circulated photographs -- one with Manziel displaying stacks of cash he allegedly (and legally) won at an Oklahoma casino posted to Manziel's Twitter feed, the other one of Manziel (legally) partying alongside his parents published at TMZ.


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