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Slammed With Misdirected Threats, Shakespeare Dallas Works With FBI

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - A North Texas theater company is working with the FBI after it received dozens and dozens of hateful emails, some of which threatened the lives of employees.

The hate mail was directed at Shakespeare Dallas over a play the company is not showing. The e-mails are surrounding a depiction of the play "Julius Caesar," which is showing in New York City as part of Shakespeare In The Park.


It depicts a person who resembles President Donald Trump as Julius Caesar who is murdered on stage. But now the cast and crew of Shakespeare Dallas is receiving death threats regarding the east coast play.

"First it was funny and then it made me a little concerned," said Raphael Parry, theater director for Shakespeare Dallas. "You take it personally. It's like, I did nothing to you. Why are you wishing these ill things to happen to me or to my staff or to our company?"

One email reads, "Your (sic) a disgrace. You should be ashamed -- that is the President. I hope you die and so do you (sic) family."

Parry believes the confusion arises when someone in the area Googles, "Shakespeare In The Park." They are directed to Shakespeare Dallas, which is not affiliate with the controversial play. The crew in Dallas is performing "The Merry Wives of Windsor."

"I don't think we can change it. We'll just have to be proactive," said Parry.

Given the recent attack on Congress at a baseball field, Parry said he is not taking any chances and forwarded each threatening email to the FBI. Those in attendance on Thursday night said they were not concerned.

"They got the wrong theater," said Paul Martin Lowder, who attended the performance in Dallas. "I think the theater in New York, I think they should leave them alone too."

Parry said despite the misguided hate, the show must continue.

"If you have an opinion that's different or you don't care for something, you vote by not attending," said Parry.

Shakespeare Dallas is also showing "Quixote" and "Othello" throughout the summer and have showings most days except on Mondays.

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