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Poll: Sen. Cruz Top Republican Presidential Candidate Among Texas Voters

Ted Cruz
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks about immigration during a rally. (credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

DALLAS (KRLD) - A new poll shows that U.S. Senator Ted Cruz would beat out Governor Rick Perry, Congressman Paul Ryan and Senator Marco Rubio in a Republican Presidential Primary in Texas.

James Henson with the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas says that their survey shows that Cruz would get about 30 percent of the vote in a Texas presidential primary.

The poll was taken in the days following the recent major dispute over the Affordable Care Act and the government shutdown…issues that saw Cruz pushed to the forefront of the Republican party.

"I think Ted Cruz lost a few points among mainline Republicans, but his approval rating among Republicans is still over 50 percent," said Henson about Cruz's support after the government shutdown.

Fifty-two percent of the poll participants who consider themselves mainline Republicans say they support Cruz. The UT/Texas Tribune poll also found that 92 percent of Tea Party supporters have a favorable view of Cruz, while 75 percent of the Democrats polled have an unfavorable view.

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