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Perry To Speak At North Texas Tea Party Meeting

NORTH RICHLAND HILLS (AP) - Governor Rick Perry is to speak at a North Texas tea party event Monday, trying to shore up that base as he mulls another run for governor and possibly a second presidential run.

Perry is expected to discuss issues on which he and tea party officials agree, including his state budget compact. They also agree that the state's Rainy Day Fund should only be tapped in a true natural disaster, not to fill budget holes.

They also want more anti-abortion legislation and laws to prevent "sanctuary cities" for illegal immigrants by empowering police to ask anyone they stop about their citizenship status.

But Perry disagrees with tea party activists on term limits and his prized business-recruitment funds.

Monday night's Northeast Tarrant Tea Party meeting is in North Richland Hills.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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