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On The Set- GREEN LANTERN (photo)

Ryan Reynolds is set to star as DC Comics much beloved intergalatic law enforcement officer, GREEN LANTERN.

But DO NOT EXPECT to see set pictures of Reynolds in the classic Green Lantern uniform.

Reynolds, will play HAL JORDAN, a test pilot selected to be part of an space police force that protects the galaxy, called The Green Lanterns

Fans have been eagerly awaiting pictures of Reynolds "in the suit".    Truth is, there isn't one.  The studios will use CGI to create a suit to match the "alien world" look of the movie.  

The grey suit you see, is used to map his body movements, which will be transformed digitally into a suit for the finished product.

Reynolds is no stranger to the superhero game.  He played Hannibal King in BLADE: Trinity, and Deadpool for MARVEL COMICS,  which is ironically, DC Comics rival.

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