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Obama: New Jobs Growth Part Of 'Real Progress'

US President Back Obama smiles at the end of a campaign rally at the Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport October 25, 2012 in Cleveland, Ohio.(Photo credit MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)


HILLIARD, OHIO (AP) - President Barack Obama is hailing another month of job growth but declaring "we've got more work to do."

Falling just four days before Tuesday's election, the government's latest employment snapshot shows U.S. employers added 171,000 jobs in October. It also shows hiring was stronger in August and September than first thought.

The unemployment rate rose to 7.9 percent in October, from 7.8 percent in September, mainly because more people began looking for work.

Obama said the job growth is part of a pattern of 'real progress' that includes a stronger auto industry, rising home values and less dependence on foreign oil.

Jobs and the economy have been the dominant issue in the remarkably close race between Obama and Republican Mitt Romney.

Obama spoke to a boisterous crowd outside Columbus, Ohio.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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