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Leaderless Democratic Party In Dire Straits After GOP Sweeps

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The Democratic Party will soon be leaderless and with few up-and-coming stars among its aging cast of stalwarts.

In what appeared to be a wave election, Republicans secured the White House and majorities in the Senate and the House and in governor's mansions and state legislatures across the country.

The defeat of Hillary Clinton could make it more likely that the party will turn to its liberal wing. That's best represented by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whom Clinton defeated in a long primary, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

The outlook for Democrats may get worse before it improves. In two years, they will be defending two dozen Senate seats. That election could further clear the way for a conservative policy agenda.

(© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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