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Johnny Depp Surprises Children At Hospital Dressed As Jack Sparrow

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp, dressed as his "Pirates of the Carribean" character Jack Sparrow, poses for pictures with patients at BC Children's Hospital in Vancouver. (BC CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL)

(CBSNEWS) - Patients at BC Children's Hospital in Vancouver, Canada, will never forget the name "Jack Sparrow."

That's because Johnny Depp -- the captain himself -- paid them a surprise visit on Monday, dressed dread to toe as his character from "The Pirates of the Caribbean" movie franchise.

"The charismatic character charmed patients and their families alike, leaving smiles and laughter in his wake," a spokeswoman for BC Children's Hospital told CBS News. "He was at the hospital for more than five-and-a-half hours, never once breaking character."

"Captain Jack" stopped to snap photos with fans, engage in playful sword fights and compliment eye patches as he aimlessly roamed the hospital hallways.

"How do you do? I have no sword. I come in peace," Depp told young patients as he shook their hands.

The actor even helped host a pirate party for a group of kids in the afternoon before continuing his hours-long visit, which ended with one-on-one meetings with patients in the oncology, general pediatrics and neurology wards.

In total, "Captain Jack" spent quality one-on-one time with nearly 70 children, the hospital added.

Patients and families seemed to enjoy the famous pirate's company, some even calling it a "dream come true."


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