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Jasmine: 'I Really Can't Stand Skip Bayless'

I know that I'll ruffle the feathers of some old-school, sports purists for saying this, but I really can't stand Skip Bayless.

I mean REALLY can't stand him.

In my opinion, Skip has had a pretty healthy track record of saying some pretty ignorant, asinine statements. And, in true Bayless fashion, he continues to do so--with the latest involving Derek Jeter and the insinuation that Jeter should thank his current season stats to performance enhancing drugs.

Bayless said on ESPN's "First Take" yesterday, "I am shocked by what I'm seeing from Derek Jeter right now. They all said he was washed up. All of a sudden, this man has turned 38 years of age in June and already he has more hits than he had last year. ... I'm seeing a whole new guy this year from last year ... Are you kidding me? You would have to have your head in the sand or your head somewhere else not to at least wonder, 'How is he doing this?' "

Of course, Jeter laughed off Bayless' ludicrous notions of PED usage fueling his 2012 season, saying, before last night's game against the White Sox, "What do you want me to say? Maybe Skip should be tested. I don't know him, but ..."

Sure, Jeter is currently batting .324 and is third in the AL in hitting behind Miggy Cabrera and Mike Trout (6th in the league). Sure, he already has twice as many homers as he did last season. And okay, so he IS part of the 3,000-hit club.

But, it doesn't take a member of MENSA to see that Jeter is 6'3" and weighs in at 195; translation, he's tall and thin. Let's put a picture of Mark McGwire up next to Jeter's (and God knows how many other MLB players) and that ought to show you the obvious.

In the delectable words of Baltimore Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs, Skip: "Once again, stop it. Be an analyst. Don't be a douchebag. You know what I mean."

(© Copyright 2012 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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