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Illinois Governor Calls Perry Visit "An Escapade"

CHICAGO (AP) - Gov. Pat Quinn says Texas Gov. Rick Perry's visit to try to entice businesses away from Illinois is merely "an escapade" and Illinois can compete with any state.

The Chicago Democrat took some jabs at Perry, who's in Illinois through Tuesday to lure jobs back to his home state.

On Tuesday, Quinn called the Texas Republican a "big talker" and pointed out his previous presidential campaign gaffes. Quinn says Perry didn't do well in the presidential campaign and he won't do well in Illinois.

Both governors were scheduled to speak Tuesday at a bioscience convention in Chicago.

A day earlier, Perry issued a challenge to Quinn saying his visit was about sparking competition between the states. Perry says Illinois' nearly $100 billion in pension debt is bad for business.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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