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Hispanic Vote Could Sway Races

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Canvassers in several predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods in North Dallas are getting the word out to vote in advance of Tuesday's elections.

Several polling groups are expecting more than 12 million Hispanics to vote across the country this year. In Texas, as many as one in five voters is Hispanic.

Luis Vera of the League of United Latin American Citizens realizes the massive potential of the Hispanic vote, but is also realistic about the traditionally poor voter-turnout.

"We have massive numbers. If we came out in the actual numbers that we have, then there's no race," said Vera.

Vera also believes that the Hispanic demographic has traditionally been a huge boost for Democrats, but Republicans have been working hard to sway Latinos to their party as well.

While Republicans have made progress with the Hispanic community, Vera believes Hispanics will have a significant impact on the presidential election, boosting President Obama in the process.

"The Latino vote will make the big difference for Obama in Nevada, Pennsylvania, and all across the board," predicted Vera.

So why is the Hispanics voter-turnout traditionally so poor? Vera attributes it to timing.

"What we need to get out of the habit is voting on election day. For some reason, we still have that mentality that election day is tomorrow."

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