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Grant Halliburton Foundation dedicated to helping those struggling with mental health

Family foundation dedicated to helping those struggling with mental health
Family foundation dedicated to helping those struggling with mental health 02:16

NORTH TEXAS ( - September is Suicide Prevention Month and an increase in suicide deaths throughout Texas has become a concern. The Grant Halliburton Foundation was founded to address mental health issues and provide support for people in North Texas. 

The Halliburton family established the foundation after Grant Halliburton's struggles with depression and bipolar disorder led to his suicide death in 2005. Grant's sister, Amy McCloskey is the Senior Director of Events.   

"Of course, we were shattered. We were broken over it," she said. "Even when a loved one is struggling and seeking help, when someone dies by suicide, it's an earth-shattering tragedy even if it's not out of the realm of possibility for your family. And so, we've been able to lean on each other and I think a huge part of finding purpose and healing was also founding Grant Halliburton Foundation."

McCloskey says the foundation offers many different programs, from support groups to mental health hotlines for people who are struggling.

"We have the 'Here For Texas' mental health navigation line and, both of which are free community resources to help people get connected to resources and support for mental health and substance abuse," she shared. "Also, our Coffee Days peer support group is for moms or female caregivers and it's just an awesome place for moms to come and not feel alone on this journey."

McCloskey says education is the biggest way to help people struggling.

"I think a huge part of suicide prevention is just educating people about what are the signs: What does it look like when someone is struggling? And then, how to lead that person to help," she said. "Since 2006, we have trained more than 300,000 students, teachers, parents and professionals across North Texas."

Creating safe spaces for people to be open about their mental health is something the Grant Halliburton foundation believes has been instrumental in preventing suicide in North Texas.

"Sometimes when someone is struggling, people have a tendency not to talk about it. They're afraid to talk about it to that person, and that can actually make the situation scarier and bigger not only for the person struggling, but for the person trying to help. And I believe the more we can talk openly about it and the more we can get comfortable asking the uncomfortable questions, the more readily we can save a life," McCloskey said. "I would encourage people not to be afraid to ask, 'How are you doing?' 'Are you thinking about hurting yourself?' 'Are you considering suicide?' And those are really hard questions to ask, but if we can practice it in our interpersonal relationships, it can make a world of difference."

The number for the Here for Texas mental health navigation line is 972-525-8181 and the website is Both are available in English and Spanish. You can also find information about everything the Grant Halliburton Foundation is doing to prevent suicide in North Texas at

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