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Good Samaritan Stabbed To Death Breaking Up A Fight Will Be Remembered

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - A candlelight vigil is planned to honor the memory of Terrell Cowherd, 26, who was stabbed to death early Saturday morning outside Club Kush on Greenville Avenue after he tried to break up a fight.

The vigil will take place at 9 p.m. at JW Ray Park in Dallas.

Terrance Cowherd Sr. can hardly believe his youngest son is gone.

"I always taught him, you are God's humble servant. That's how he carried himself," he said.

Cowherd Sr. said he wasn't surprised his son tried to break up a fight.

Terrell Evan Cowherd, 26, of Dallas was stabbed to death Saturday morning, Aug. 17, 2013. (credit: Terrell Cowherd's Facebook page)

After the murder, police arrested Jerry Brown and were searching for a second suspect.

Police believe Brown held Cowherd while a second suspect stabbed him.

Police released cell phone video of the second suspect. A family friend recognized the suspect and called police.

The suspect was identified as Julian Martin Jr., 23. He turned himself into police Sunday.

He was charged with murder and remains in jail under a $250,000 bond.

"There should have been no bail set for a cold blooded killing like this," Cowherd Sr. said. "He should not be let out."

Cowherd Sr. says his family is devastated. What gives them solace is knowing their beloved son is giving life to others as an organ donor.

"I believe that my son is in God's arms and he's in a better place," Cowherd Sr. said.

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