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Fort Worth ISD Board Approves Option, Provides Funding For Temporary Virtual Learning

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) — The Fort Worth Independent School District Board of Education has approved a temporary virtual learning option for students who have been unable to return to school due to a documented medical condition.

The action came at a regularly scheduled meeting on August 24.

In a statement the Fort Worth ISD said:

"While we know in-person instruction is best for academic success, we also recognize that some medically fragile students need a virtual learning option. This opportunity will be for those younger students --Kindergarten through Sixth Grade --who are unable to receive COVID vaccinations at this time and have a documented medical condition that prevents them from attending school in - person due to COVID – 19."

The Temporary Virtual Learning Option will begin September 13 and continue through the rest of the fall semester. Registration for the option opens at noon on August 25 and will remain open until midnight on Sunday, August 29. There are a limited number of seats.

The district has also launched a new website for parents -- -- where information about the virtual learning option can be found, including an FAQ and a form for application.

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