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Fort Worth Fire Department Installs Prescription Drug Disposal Boxes At Every Station

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) - The Fort Worth Fire Department has installed drug disposal boxes at every fire station in the city.

The boxes, found near the Safe Place signs on the outer walls of stations, have plastic envelopes inside that anyone can take home and fill with unused, expired or old medications. Then people can just drop the bags in the mail and they'll go to a facility where they will be incinerated.

The Premier Center at the University of Houston, focused on prescription drug misuse research and education, reached out to the city a few months ago about the program.

The city has hosted community drug takeback days, and some pharmacies and medical centers will accept unused drugs.

Fort Worth Fire Chief Jim Davis said the boxes are a way to make the process more accessible and available when people need it.

"It's an easy, simple way for people to get rid of unused, unnecessary medication without hoarding it, and without dumping it down the drain," he said.

The boxes and materials were paid for through a grant and provided to the city at no cost.

The disposal system is meant to be used for all legal drugs, including liquids, but not illicit drugs.

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