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Campaign Signs Stolen From Euless Yard

EULESS (CBS 11 NEWS) - Lisa Thomasson from Euless walks around her yard pointing to area's where she had carefully placed a number of campaign signs.

"I had the Romney sign where the tree is," she points out. "I had six Mark Shelton signs."

The signs were all lined up along her front yard.

Several weeks ago, the nine campaign signs Thomasson, 63, had put up in her yard all disappeared.

She was so proud of them she even took pictures of her front yard.

"It really hurt when they were gone because I was doing this to get my mind off my husband," says Thomasson.

She says her husband recently had hip replacement surgery, and she was just trying to do something to support her candidates.

"I just think it's getting very mean out there in the political world," says Thomasson.

Thomasson says she checked around her neighborhood and saw plenty of Halloween decorations, but no political signs that had been put up.

Perhaps what hurts the most for her, "It was $5, but the $5 is taken out of my Social Security check which was not very much money."

Grant Stinchfield understands the frustration.

A number of his campaign signs were stolen when he was running for United States Congress recently.

"People want to do anything they can to show support for the guy or gal they support. And unfortunately a passionate, well-intentioned volunteer can quickly turn into an overzealous thief. That's what the game of politics does," says Stinchfield.

"Imagine what our founding fathers would think if the politics of this country gets so contentious that people resort to stealing signs."

Thomasson has contacted everyone from candidates to even the President.

"I sat down and wrote President Obama and told him what was going on, and I told him that it's just not right," says Thomasson. "They didn't -- they didn't get our buttons.  We had Romney, Ryan buttons that I bought."

She's not sure about getting anymore signs.

Euless Police say they've gotten a few reports of stolen campaign signs. Both Republican and Democrat signs are targets.

Lt. Eric Starnes says they have no suspects.

Other surrounding cities say they have not had the problem recently, but it was a concern during the primary elections.

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