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Donald Trump & Paul Ryan To Meet Next Week

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WASHINGTON (AP) - Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan have agreed to meet next Thursday -- in the wake of Ryan's statement yesterday that he's not yet ready to support Trump's presidential nomination.

According to an announcement from Ryan's team today, he and Trump will meet at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington.

The statement pointed out that both Trump and Ryan have spoken of the need to unify the party. It says the two Republicans will talk about "the kind of Republican principles and ideas that can win the support of the American people this November."

Ryan and leading House Republicans will gather for one meeting, while Ryan and Trump will meet separately.

Ryan's declaration yesterday sent shockwaves through the Republican establishment -- an establishment that Trump is now leaning on for help as he transitions from the primary season to a general election campaign.

Party chairman Reince Priebus declared his support for Trump today.

(© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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