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Dallas Entrepreneur Used His Education To Decide Whether To Create A New Business

Number crunching is Michael Seyfried's thing. Since he earned his bachelor degree in finance and accounting from the University of Texas in San Antonio, he has made light work of complex ledgers, securities, assets and futures.

(Photo Courtesy of Michael Seyfried)

But he found with his love of numbers, he was missing something. His creative itch needed to be scratched so he founded SocialIce Incorporated, a wine ice pop treat for adults.

This popsicle-style wine treat has taken off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to the point that Seyfried has opened a larger manufacturing facility to handle the demand.

How has your education helped you create SocialIce Incorporated?

"Originally, I was majoring in marketing and that wasn't my thing. I had one professor in finance that fostered a love of financial securities. In his class, I analyzed the securities of various industries. I learned how to analyze financial statements, and by using that, I was able to figure out what metrics to utilize to project financial success."

What would you say about leaving corporate America to become an entrepreneur?

"Where I went to school, there weren't entrepreneurship courses like there are today. I think it is great that one can get an education in how to be an entrepreneur."

"I was not a cubical kind of person. I think it is important that people learn as much as you can from as many people who you can."

"I feel like people think that being an entrepreneur is all glamour and instant rewards, but actually doing it takes serious blood, sweat and tears. The rewards are worth it. Having someone I don't know buy my product and love it is a wonderful feeling. You can't get that working in corporate America."

What would you say to future entrepreneurs?

"You have to go after it. Even though it is very scary, you have to devote 100 percent of your time to it. It is okay to treat it as hobby initially, but if you want it to grow, then you have to be in it completely. You have to believe in your product enough and go with your gut."

Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and
enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at

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