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Cruz: If Obama Changes, I'll Work With Him

HOUSTON (AP) -- New U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Of Texas says he'll work with President Barack Obama if he's re-elected -- but only if Obama changes his ways.

Cruz resoundingly beat Democrat Paul Sadler on Tuesday. The Republican spoke to supporters in Houston after the race was called.

With the presidential race still undecided, Cruz says he hopes and believes Republican Mitt Romney will defeat Obama. But he says that if Obama is re-elected, he hopes Obama will do more to work with both Democrats and Republicans.

If that happens, Cruz says he "will work with him."

But Cruz -- a strident conservative with strong tea party support -- says that if Obama doesn't change, he would fight to stop him.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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